Each year, the Sarasota-Manatee Originals bring together the area’s best bartenders, distillers and spirits professionals for the annual “Set The Bar” Cocktail Competition. Designed to showcase the creative beverage talents behind the area’s locally-owned, independent restaurants, this year’s competition will take place at Ed Smith Stadium on Friday, October 15 from 6:30 to 9:30PM. 25 local restaurants will compete as “The Best” libations will be decided by an expert panel as well as event attendees who will be tasked with sampling and savoring each creation before judging the competitors on Flavor, Appearance, Bartender Presentation and Imagination. In addition to exclusive access to the most skilled beverage innovators in Sarasota and Manatee Counties, guests at Set The Bar will enjoy live entertainment, raffles, and delicious dishes presented by fellow Sarasota-Manatee Originals’ member restaurants. The Sarasota-Manatee Originals are proud to partner with Embracing Our Differences to host Set the Bar. Event proceeds benefit Embracing Our Differences, whose mission is to use the power of art and education to expand consciousness and open the heart to celebrate the diversity of the human family. The first 100 “Early Bird” tickets will be sold for $50 per person and include a souvenir cocktail glass. Then, ticket prices will increase to $60 per person, until sold out! Get your tickets at eatlikealocal.com/setthebar.Link to buy tickets: www.squadup.com/events/setthebartix2021Link to Set the Bar website: www.eatlikealocal.com/setthebar Link to Set the Bar Facebook Event: www.facebook.com/events/1112732909134013